
Guaranteed to Inspire: My Life List

Somewhere in my internet wanderings, I recently came across a bubbly little number who goes by Goddess Leonie. Because I obviously want to jam my inbox to the limit, I signed up for her newsletter.

Full disclosure here: I love SARK, Louise Hay, Julia Cameron and any number of other creative, uplifting women whose enthusiasm can sometimes border on the saccharine. My new friend Goddess Leonie falls swiftly into this category. If she tends to lean toward the excessive, it's in the form of excessive joy and color, and probably we could all use a little more of that.

Anyway, I finally got around to reading the latest e-letter, and this one was about lifetime goals. She inspired me (see? that's the point) to write a list of my own. Also, I like how she marked items as done and I plan to do that, too.

If you don't care about my list, I understand. But go check out Leonie. She's pretty awesome.

1. Go to Alaska
2. Go to Hawaii
3. Go to the Jaguar reserve in Belize
4. Go on an art museum tour in Berlin
5. Finish Jordan's quilt
6. Have a solo fiber art show at the EDG building
7. Finish my first novel
8. Publish a short story
9. Publish my first novel
10. Get my LMP
11. Teach BodyTalk modules 1&2
12. Make my living through my healing practice and my creative work
13. Learn Spanish
14. Do a half triathlon
15. Hike from Snoqualmie to Stevens on the PCT
16. Take the family to Yellowstone
17. Learn to make some of my own clothes
18. Learn encaustic
19. Do the second Collage Camp: West Coast version
20. Have a Massachusetts family reunion
21. Go to New Zealand
22. Fly first class
23. Go to the next BodyTalk conference
24. Buy a house
25. Walk the John Wayne trail from Ellensburg to Thorp
26. Get my MFA in creative writing (maybe)
27. Learn how to make a decent website
28. Learn how to make Vietnamese noodle soup
29. Go on a one-month road trip
30. Go on one round-the-world plane trip
31. See Bali
32. See Tokyo
33. Take the Trans-Siberian railroad
34. Write a book about conscious prosperity
35. Write an e-book about personal transformation
36. Get new carpet in our apartment
37. Build a chicken coop and install three laying hens
38. Learn to ride a horse by having my own horse
39. Meet Teesha Moore

I reserve the right to add much more to my list. Meanwhile, if you've made it this far, write your own list! Add a link in the comments and I'll totally check it out.


Sarah said...

This is funny... A couple of weeks ago I came across a list I'd made like this (only it was smaller). I'd completely forgotten that I'd even made the list, but in reading over it, I realized that I'd accomplished almost everything on it.

Now I've got to go make a new one.

The Thus said...

The Thus
The Thus Nice Share.. you must try on WordPress.